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3 Best Creative CSS3 Animation Examples

These are pure CSS3 animations which starts with auto timers, click events or ones which load with your website. We can now find many switches being introduced on modern website with HTML & CSS3 alone. Progress bar loaders will surely interest many people for their webpage form file uploads or downloads. If you want to harness the power of JavaScript along with HTML5 & CSS3.
Responsive blog and website design snippets can be tested for your own new website as all these below css3 animation examples are provided with their code for you to play with. Cascading style sheets is a must learn for every web developer as it provides great flexibility to work with the HTML structure. Get back to us with your css3 ui works and share it in our comment section.

Pure CSS Switch Day and Night (Fox version)

Css Experiment with a click Hack event to turn lights on and off.

CSS Loader

A loader css3 with compass.

Bounce css3 animation

Made with css radial gradients.